Charlie Says - 2019
Three women were sentenced to death at the infamous Manson murder case, but their sentence became life imprisonment, if the death penalty has been lifted. 1 graduate student was sent in to show them - and throughout her we witness their transformations since they face the truth of their horrible crimes.


I was 14 when this took place, and I have followed it ever since. I have watched and read everything released about it. The one thing they did not hit much on where the drugs. LSD was legal then and they consumed ALOT of it as well as a lot of other drugs.


Power trip times a million. I guess that's what happens when you let your mind wander too long in a LSD mindset away from the outside world while being brainwashed in the process..


LSD made it very easy for Charlie to brainwash these very vulnerable girls. They followed and worshipped him for decades. Long after, they were imprisoned.

Sarah Teshoian

This is amazing. Charles Manson was a LSD/MK ULTRA test subject for the CIA....and it worked!

Matt Lawrence

power trip central here