Cherry - 2021
Cherry drifts from college dropout to army medic in Iraq - anchored only by his true love, Emily. But after returning from the war with PTSD, his life spirals into drugs and crime as he struggles to find his place in the world.

Dirk D

well spiderman, you have really out done yourself. you and Heath ledger (joker) tied for best all time performances


Great Picture.. Because" Addiction comes in All Shapes& Sizes".. "PTSD" Also falls in that Category..The actor's did a Great job..

Jakeandjen Noriega

I wish I had the words to describe this movie but I don't accept for spectacular... beyond spectacular...this one for me and my woman hits extremely close to home... thank you for this app for planning it...

Maurice Moore

I know how the addiction is,it's a never ending cycle.Your living just for that high and you'll do anything to get it.

Shaliea Braddick

inspiring enough not to live life like that

Odis Bynum

30 minutes in and... DAMN this movie is good as fuck... perfectly wrote, filmed and played!!

Megasmackdab 2

this was very well done, and the uniforms, from what I could tell, were done correctly

Danasia Hosey

this movie was amazing, interesting and inspiring.


I learned 2 things from this movie don't do drugs and don't join the freaking army

Lauren Brennan

I really love the music in this movie

Lauren Brennan

I love this movie such a good movie

Harry Bell

a lot of movies coming out Cleveland


wow, very deep film. brilliant acting by Tom Holland

Harry Bell

I recognized another of Cleveland Ohio

American Tothe fullest

love it

Andrea Milner

Great film

Caroline Laura Souza

really good movie! highly recommend!

Kayla Brady

The Easter egg is " Whomever" guys

billy frost

yo Spiderman whyd you do all that

Stewart Morrow

this movie is to good