Children of the Corn - 2009
Set primarily in 1975 at the fictional town of Gatlin, Nebraska this remake of the 1984 original (based on Stephen King's 1977 short story) centers around traveling couple Burt and Vicky as they struggle to live a cult of murderous children who worship an entity known as He Who Walks Behind The Rows, that had years earlier manipulated the children into killing every single adult in town.

L Griffin

Good Horror. They (SyFy I think)made this movie Creepy AF. no humor here Chick was annoying though.Over acting

Cassandra Garland-Carrillo

I totally didn't know they had a remake here. The acting could be better!

Devon Jones

I watched this on Syfy one two and three are the best

Laura Smith

All of the children of the corn are the best

Nancy Gordinier

yes the first one is the bomb Nancy


I still like the first one