Children of the Corn - 2023
A psychopathic twelve-year-old girl in a small town in Nebraska recruits all the other children and goes on a bloody rampage, killing the corrupt adults and anyone else who opposes her. A bright high schooler who won't go along with the plan is the town's only hope of survival.

Shakee Brooks

I actually enjoyed this even as I went in with reservations. Of course the original is the best but this wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I enjoyed watching the little evil ass girl Evie too. I'd like to see her in some other horror movie.


not great and that fuel on her would NOT have left a quarter mile puddle to.light that far. I mean come on. get a bit more creative. tell us HISTORY and where the origin of the corn monster came from ffs

Joshua Fontes

they need to let this franchise die already the original was the only good one

Jenn Z

this was one of the most stupidest idiotic maiden no sense children of the corn and I'm a fan seen all of them this one sucked bad

Johnny Marshall

this a good movie but it never top the original movie the children of the corn.and they never said anything about issac in this movie what's the red queen.i give it one thunb up and one thumb down .but they did remake a classic

Lindsay P

it started off ok but the last 45 min or so the sorry line went to shit was so stupid ... why not show what happened the the 2 girls or depict the carnage in the streets??? could have been much better

Stephen Carson

it was a good twist for a remake, but... could have been a bit better , maybe explain the creature origin, maybe more of the carnage that took place. but all in all .. good job, authou I am no critic just my opinion,. different strokes for different folks. lol

Jesse Miller

the scariest part of this movie was that someone actually thought they did a good job

Daniel J Stott

if someone who grew up watching the movie I thought it was a pretty good remake

Tanya Johnson

The movie was actually better then I thought it would. The rating they gave it was crap. It's about a 6.5. That's why I watch the movie because whom ever rate them be wrong. Some they rate high ain't worth crap. Have wonderful day

Sugar Maestas

sadly just like the original wasn't Spooky plot wasn't captivating and boring. at least it gave a tiny amount of back story but a remake all the same. the book with the overload of disruption is more entertaining, and with my ADHS I can never get past chapter 2.


the main child character was supposed to be more terrifying and threatening like malikhi was this looked more like a series on FX boooooooo (throws 🍅🍅🍅) 90 min of my life I can't get back 🤣🤷🏽‍♂️

Kristal Frances

lovely movie Eden Really played that role go had Lil girl.....

stephen murphy

that was the worst shift from a good start of a movie I've ever seen why did they have to bring that monster into it lol shoulda got more personal wit the kids instead

Monica Banks

original is the best but this is pretty good too I like it

Lindsay P

this little girl is a great actor. she does psychopath so good it's scary


it's so sad they can't make any new movies on there own

Arora Kanes

I've seen all the others.guess I will give this a watch.

Carl Jones

weak movie 🎥 it's not like the real children of the corn 🌽 that's what we want to see

LaRessa Annie Mai Jeffriez

It was a little bit betta than tha 1st one but tha original still on mi top list I wish it could have had a betta ending but it was worth watching I would watch it again tho....Eden would have been killed b4 she walked off into that corn field wit tha master of tha corn!!!