Civil War - 2024
In the near future, a group of war journalists attempt to survive while reporting the truth as the United States stands on the brink of civil war.

Michael Gooden

a lot of people say they want civil war, knowing the only war they have seen was dramatized on tv and in movies. War of any kind is a million times worse than this dramatized movie. My point being they have no idea how real war is. Soldiers who has seen war cannot express it.

big E

as much as I wish this won't ever happen. it kinda needs to. I'm tired of being controlled. I'm tired of the food that kills ppl being the most pushed out. I'm tired of being lied to like I'm a fuckin idiot. we were supposed to be the greatest land for all around

Jerami Cox

I agree the way this movie goes down is nothing like how it would really be if it were to actually happen. Millions of people would be slaughtered. I'm a 100% a Trump MAGA person yet I think it's time for all Americans come together and demand more from our politicians and elite.


I think this movie was promoted better than the actual movie it self. and no we do not need anything like this in America we have gone through enough with the elements from the earth and the government not handling situations in a proper manner have set us as Americans back for

Antonio Pinson

the US would rather nuke the s*** out of their own country then allow it to be overrun they would take all their families and put them under a bunker and all the soldiers pushed back and they would just bomb the hell out of all the enemy territories don't really need nukes to it


the best way to control a population is have them fighting among themselves. our current administration knows this 100%. that is why they keep pushing race and any other topic that pits rights against left.


Every time Our senile president attacks Republicans or Conservative values with lies and name calling I see our country getting closer to this. I hope this never happens but of Biden rigs another election will.

Stephen Carson

our government is horrible. it used to be the government had to borrow your money to pay the deficit or sell you war bonds, now the straight up steal it from you. our money goes to other countries, we are 37 trillion dollars in debt because of the government.

Chris Jackson

I've not heard alot about this movie but fuck it's really good!! if we keep letting our federal government divide us Americans against one another we will end up in something similar!! right now the current administration is not representing the ppl. just there own selves.

Antonio Pinson

I've seen too many war crimes if I was the president I'll just bomb the s*** out of my f****** country who cares who else dies if we win.


we all need to stop fighting each other and start putting our resources and Technology together for a better way of living for everyone

Kevin Fields

once there's a civil war in America. America's enemies will attack full force. America is doomed.

Happy Girl


Stephen Carson

sad day if we ever have a civil war, America is being torn apart by the government. we need a government that doesn't straight up rob us blind especially with taxing everything you touch. 40% off the top of your income, every dollar you spend, property tax, bonuses, savings etc.

Beyona Favors

Living like your in a war is more hell than actually fighting. Just watching people who look like you being erased for minor shit. We already on war we just not calling it war, yet.

Timothy Burns

makes you wonder if this is what they're promoting out there is this something that there really want to make happen makes you wonder

Markus Culp

This movie is ????????? A Crack head version of the purge...just a bunch of non sense killing for No reason 😐.Oh and the 5 wheel in this movie is annoying...where's her parents lol annoying bitch

Matt Johnson

if people wanted this ro happend there just idiots it don't make u brave makes u stupid... soon as it happend people would regret they wanted it,,,

Lavonda Moran

This movie was up close and personal wow I am blown away by this one I pray to God we never have to suffer with a civil war because if it's anything like this movie it's going to be ugly God bless us all y'all take care of yourself and each other Love and peace.

mind benderr

I agree, the people who are "survivalist seem to be more interested in useless activities than actual trying to win a conflict. I think a more appropriate title would be Journalist cruising to DC. This is propaganda to discourage an uprising. Way oversold.