Coal Miner's Daughter - 1980
Biography of Loretta Lynn, a country and western singer that came from poverty.

Tammy DeBoard

Loretta you will be missed. She will always be a part of Kentucky. My dad grow up in Paintsville Ky. He also was a coal miner. He worked the same mine as her dad. He also ran shine with Mooney. He said they all were good people. I lived there as a kid. It's a beautiful place.

Katie Purser

My cousin Sissy did an amazing job in this movie. Loretta was truly a blessing in country music. She will be missed.

Caroline Walker

she was a sweetheart. visited her best friend here in gastonia nc. never acted rich...humble.

N Woods

rest in heavenly peace miss loretta she's singing in the heavens choir

Kevin Hentz

I love this movie and all of the songs on here. I live in Tennessee were she made a name for her self.

gwendolyn custer

RIP we lost a legend today! You'll never be forgotten!

Rich Duenas

that Git-tar was the best present Doolittle got poor ol' Lorretie

Shawn Humphreys

They picked the right person to play this part. Sissy Spacek can sing I think. I'm sure some people don't, she played this part perfect.


I just absolutely love this movie one of my mother's favorites too as well

Sarah Graham

brilliant film my mum loved it RIP mum

Rebecca Sledge

Great movie 🎥🍿. Sissy and Tommy Lee have great chemistry

John Miller

I just wanted to say she is the best country singer and I have every albums that she put together.

Ewelinda Martha

I love this movie plus I got the you Loretta...miss you...R.I P. LORETTA

Shawn Humphreys

This movie was awesome....I grew up on listening to Loretta Lynn. I love this movie

Rich Duenas

damn I can't believe she was only 13 , also I think Loretta is a real pretty name

Rodney Armstrong

now Loretta Lynn is gone let's have the true story of how she paid her doo's.


Love this movie... Loretta Lynn R.I.P will never be forgotten

monica hotchkiss

doo got what he had coming. karma. lost his legs for hitting her. ha ha

Shawn Humphreys

Sissy Spacek did a great job playing this roll as Loretta Lynn


Always will love Loretta Lynn always loved and missed