Cobra - 1986
Even a street cop has to protect the sole surviving witness with far reaching aims.

Ivan Jokers

wow man this movie is excellent Silvester Stallone the 80s and 90s excellent, man the new generation don't make movies like this anymore. πŸ’―πŸ€ŸπŸ€©πŸ’―πŸ™πŸ‘πŸ‘

Steve Daney

time to load up the bodies on the meat wagon. lol

Tammy DeBoard

Sly was the man in his day. Cobra is a badass movie.

Ryan M

what person gave this movie a thumbs down this movie is freaking awesome

William Castillo II

True king of Tulsa.....


this and "Commando" are a Man's Man movie...Badass

Elana Sparks

Got to love him. Been a fan for a long time

Jorge Garcia

This is one of my favorite movies of all times. I watched Cobra at the theater πŸŽ₯ back in 1986 when I was 9 years old. Awesome πŸ‘Œ movie

Taylor Dumas

this was my favorite movie as a kid i wanted to be just like him

Jerson Mendoza

l orderd this cobra figure from his shop looks dope look it up guys.

Jacob Irons

l wonder if it is the same metal plant at the end of the movie is Terminator 2 just as the authorized scene in Beverly Hills Cop 2 is one of the Terminator 2 locations.

Steve Daney

you wasted a kid and now I'm going to waste you

Elana Sparks

One of my favorites


the best ending ever hooked and cooked

Samuel Negron

the Best

Brian Williams

l do deal with physio don't put them away put da physio ass government put them away fast fuck em

Slugga Tbg

one of my favorites

Romaine Melvin

this is a classic πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’ͺπŸΎπŸ’―πŸ’―

Steve Daney

zombie squad kicks a??

Steve Daney

love this flick