Code 8 Part II - 2024
In a world where superpowered people are heavily policed by robots, an ex-con teams up with a drug lord he despises to protect a teen from a corrupt cop.

Valerie BK

im afraid this is what our future holds . if those criminals don't stop doing crime ..we are all gonna be under surveillance..

Jordan Young

I thought that robo cops were bad but robotic dogs, that just takes the cake...😳😳😳😑😑😑

Lincoln Tomlinson

Jesus this little girl has a 5 head her forehead is huge!!

Fishing with Cristina

I think by the time something like this happens. We will no longer be on this Earth but our children's children will suffer.

Amy Woods

I just watched both movie and they both are really really good I love me some SyFy movies who knows what the future holds but I would say alot of this movie is going on as we speak


Great f****** movie. We'd better be careful it. Does it like the future? Will be like this if we're not careful


well you guy should know why AMERICA DONT WANT A.I COME OUT BUT CHINA ALREADY COPYCATS A.I MADE THIER MILITARY WEAPONS THAT WHY NOW USA HAVE TO USE A.I SO u guy should know after A.I THEN WILL BE A.I 2 THEN (((((((War Of Technology's ))))))))


am I the only one that can tell they film in Canada because the backdrops looks like nowhere ever in America.

Michael Edwards

not enough power usage for me. and why when they use their powers, does it take so much out of them lol ??

homerj 72

yes this is going to be part of our lives robots are going to take over life is pointless

antjuan shaw

Valerie BK it aint the criminals you have to worry about is the police they are the criminals that are corrupt crooks

Clifford Polkjr (Hotboy for life)

fuck the police let them bitchs cum my way they life doesn't mean anything to me cuz they the one's have theses kids out here doing what they doing. facts

Richard martinez

to late genius we been under survaillance we were watched even while we watched the movie unless you got all our cams covered with tape

Teresa Keene

why do you think so many people are going to tiny homes and want to live in the Off the grid the grid is the government controlling everything we do so we all need to get off the grid so they can't control us anymore we still get her taxing time and everything else we need not le


excellent movie glad to know I won't be around when this takes place

Shawn Brousseau

it's going to happen either way as long as we r free they will always try an take it Also, you have to remember there's places right now that have cameras everywhere.That have less crime rate than anywhere else and they still have the under camera surveillance twenty 47 ,

Alex Williams

*Those criminals* huh? when u half wits gonna realize. U don't have be a criminal any longer. U only need to be considered suspicious.

Andre' Coleman-El

This is the first part of the Terminator..... This was a Very good movie, Now it makes me want to go back and watch The Terminator And by the way everything they showed in here is real and about to be true


Using the name of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy name as a cuss word or as an expression to show disgust is SIN And Unforgiven Sin is pay with death in hell 4eva. Godly Beings aka Children of God Glorify their Father God. Sincerity A Godly Being

Tony Harden

we are already under surveillance and will be moving towards even more in the future.