Code 8 - 2019
Back in Lincoln City, 4 percent of people have abilities. Most live under the poverty line, under the close surveillance of a police that is militarized. Taylor, a building employee with forces, is made to fight later committing a misdemeanor...

Triangela Galloway

I only watched this movie because you guys and girls said that it was a good movie and you were right

Puro Cafe

I guess if you cry and complain enough about RACISM enough,you can be in every commercial and in movies that you don't belong in. like the new transformer movie. they just had to put a black girl in the roll and made one transformer talk and act black. I shut it off.

Puro Cafe

good movie,but why do weak black actors always have to be in the movie that don't even fit the story line. everything I see now there always has to be a black. how come Mexican Americans ain't being shown in movies and commercials like these blacks are. black fks up the movie.

Tomas Grigley

I can't believe I'm just now watching this movie. I saw it on Tubi many times but always pissed it up, thinking it was probably a cheap super hero movie.

Arturo Ramos

this movie reminds me of when the city of hartford first announced that it would approve the purchase of drones for the hartford police department, and the pushback from the community made the city pull back their legislation.

Tanya Selden

We watching good movies n this fucking lames ass MF is talking uneducated racist motherfucker that has nothing better to do with his time then come on here public places and slam minorities get a fucking life Guy!

Alex Williams

not baaaaaaaaad at all . Was looking over the filming location online. checked listings for the Waverly hotel. three come to mind. locations in Canada, Edinburgh eng and Atlanta georgia.either one of those is bet. for now anyway



Amy Woods

watch both of these movies and they are really really good syfy movies I say a 8 out of 10 for both 1 and 2

Dwest West

the shortest coolest realistic graphics movie w/powers I've seen in a while



Rich Warren

I never heard or saw ads for this movie but it's Pretty good, not predictable. Better than most


Using the name of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy name as a cuss word or as an expression to show disgust is SIN And Unforgiven Sin is pay with death in hell 4eva. Godly Beings aka Children of God Glorify their Father God. Sincerity A Godly Being


it would be a great movie to k33p in My Kingdom Entertainment if made in God's image and likeness. sincerly Jesus Christ.


this movie actually is a must see

Terri M

I liked this movie...I was gonna watch part 2 but found this one first. Now I'm off to watch Part 2!😊


This is a surprisingly great movie. Amazing story, great performances, against an urban landscape. The underbelly of LC was fully represented. Soundtrack is one of the best.

Michael Sweet

This movie concept came from a short on Dust.


the expression of God with word damm is NOT the expresion of My Kings NOR My Kingdom Entertainment. sincerly, JESUS CHRIST

kris stine

this is where it's headed, folks. cops act more like this every day. "When tyranny becomes law, rebellion is your DUTY. "