Con Air - 1997
It's asking for trouble After the federal government places all of its criminal eggs in a basket. Before you'll be able to say,"Pass the barf bag," the crooks control the plane, led by creepy Cyrus"The Virus" Grissom. Watching his every movement is.

Ivan Jokers

defenetly a good one, back on the good days they don't make good movies like this one no morewow!!!!!

James Mckay

I still don't understand how they sent him to prison for defending himself.It's quite pathetic.

Thomas Cox

great movie

Robert Katherine

good movie

Kevin Hentz

that's the truth

Allen Taylor

best movie.

Chris Davis

good movie

Avis Barnwell

in a valley of violence

Kevin Hentz

great movie

Jason Webb

Nic Cages top 5 movies