Coyote Ugly - 2000
Graced with a velvet voice, 21-year-old Violet Sanford heads to New York to pursue her dream of being a song writer simply to get her aspirations sidelined by the accolades and notoriety she receives at her"day" job as a barmaid at Coyote Ugly. The"Coyotes" while they are affectionately known as snobby customers and the media alike with their outrageous antics, making Coyote Ugly the watering hole for both guys on the prowl.
I see if there was a place like this in real life that would probably make a whole lot of people more happy
Mary Hoenigman
love this movie
This movie is my favorite
Ed Hand
great classic romance movie
Jessica Cross
I love this movie so much
Ginger Davis
ginger Davis
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