Daredevil - 2003
He dwells in a world of eternal night, but the blackness is filled with sounds and aromas, tastes and textures that most can't comprehend. Although attorney Matt Murdock is blind, his other 4 senses function with superhuman sharpness. By day, Murdock represents the downtrodden. At night he is Daredevil, a masked vigilante stalking the dark streets of the city.
TBH one of the best movies I've seen yet I like how they brought Elektra into this movie and rapper Coolio R.I.P can't wait for Daredevil born again to come out next year on spring love how to use Evanescence soundtrack 💯❤️🔥
Ashley Rodriguez
love this movie a bunch [
Donald Childress
This is the best fucking movie i've ever watched in my wife
Glenn Carver-seabrook
R.I.P. Michael Clarke Duncan, you were great in every role you played.
Jonathan Rodriguez
wow, the director's cut is way better than the original version it's like Frank Miller's true vision comes to life, the Netflix series is way better, however I have soft spot for daredevil director's cut this movie was my childhood he's like Marvel's Batman version to me.
ryan samuel
I remember when I first seen this movie and got it on DVD and it never seem like the full story. I'm glad I finally got to see the TRUE vision on how Daredevil was supposed to be😈
Sergius Harty
1- I can thank this movie for me becoming a professional pianist...n life long love for Amy Lee
2- I spit out my coffee when bullseye falls 3 stories onto dudes car n cope still surround him screaming FREEZE😅
Glenn Carver-seabrook
Colin Farrell was the perfect choice to play Bullseye.
Glenn Carver-seabrook
This movie deserved a proper sequel, not just Elektra.
Donald Childress
At least it is one of the best fucking movies I have ever seen
superhero movies are always good no matter who plays A Part
Esau Mike
keep your head up you can get it in the back
Glenn Carver-seabrook
Especially The Green Mile and The Whole Nine Yards.
Troychris Young
fried and noticed the explosion at 1 hrs 20 but it disappeared moments later when the father dies
Most definitely better deserved than a 5.3!!! I loved this movie growing up one of my all-time favorites!!
I no longer get prime Hulu or Netflix on this app anyone no what happend why has it changed
damn it would suck to be seeing one day and nothing the next I bet it's a scary thing.
Ismael Jose Quinones
why didn't daredevil and elektra got sequels those arent the only enemies they had
Frank Ellis
and we
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