Dark Phoenix - 2019
The X-Men face their most formidable and strong foe when among their particular, Jean gray, starts to spiral out of control. When she's struck by a cosmic force during a rescue mission in outer space, Jean is nearly killed. Once she goes home, this induce not just makes her much more powerful, but much more unstable. The X-Men must now band together to rescue her soul and combat aliens who want to use gray's new abilities to rule the galaxy.

Glenn Carver-seabrook

Cyclops and Jean Grey from the X-Men, Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman from the Fantastic Four or Vision and Scarlet Witch from the Avengers, which one is the ultimate power couple in the Marvel universe?

Laurence Harris

As a looking time fan of the X-Men comics. this movie was trash. it was if the "director" had no clue???? where's Sam Rami when you need him

Jake Arizona

I don't get it, if raven died how is she alive in the future xmen movies? what am I missing?

Jabaar Kimble

X Men Dark Phoenix movie is great 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Zawraqh Andari

if jean is dead, how is she alive in the future!!???! I AM SO FUCKING CONFUSED

Glenn Carver-seabrook

This is the only X-Men movie without at least a brief appearance from Wolverine.

Tony Fudge

question how can he drive if he can't walk

Zawraqh Andari

Erik is REALLLY giving some LOKI vibes!!! who else feels that?


It's odd that in the version where Mystic is a heroine, she dies. While the version where Mystic is a villainess, she lives.

Zawraqh Andari

so this is raven in the past, in the first x men raven was working with Erik, but DIDENT she stop working with erik


professor x really screwd the pooch in the beginning, the whole space team could have died one L ain't to bad


at least Disney will fix the story line hopefully and fill in the gaps of some of the movies from fox

Steven Malloy

this is the best X-Men I ever watched in Phoenix become Phoenix if you ever read the comic book

Dwest West

I did not know that storm could shoot lightning straight from her hands without manipulating it

Sergius Harty

At this point there is no way they don't sell "mutant insurance" for all the collateral damage.


This movie is flawed. In X-men Apopolypse, Jean was already in possession of the Phoenix force.

John Nelson

that island magneto was on is called genosha in the comic adaptation x-men 97

Carl Johnson

I would like to see the Shi'ar Empire introduced to the Marvel Universe.....

Zawraqh Andari

they shouldn't have given storm an accent, even tho this is her younger self

Zawraqh Andari

Scott ran like flash when going to Jeans room