Dark Was the Night - 2014
A wicked is unleashed in a little town when a company sets up shop in the woods. Threatened and isolated, a force hidden within the trees away from the small town of Maiden Woods, strikes fear within the townspeople since Sheriff Paul Shields attempts to overcome the demons of the past when.


I've been telling my Mupak horror movie friends about this movie. It's such a great watch. if they could make another as good as this, I'd definitely watch. try the series the STRAIN WITH Kevin it's a great watch . binge worthly.

Mark Herden

Def a good flick. Kevin Durand is such a boss actor

Tyler Durrton

lmfao. there are so many things wrong with this movie it's pathetic. I think the sheriff is retarded in the movie and in real life

Melanie Marchenko

good movie

German Allison

Good Watch #