D.A.R.Y.L. - 1985
Daryl is a typical boy in a variety of ways. However, unbeknown to friends and his parents, Daryl is clearly a government-created robot with super human reflexes and abilities. Even his name includes a hidden significance -- that it is an acronym for Information Analyzing Robot Youth lifeform. When the organization that generated him the"supersoldier" experiment a failure and schedules Daryl to be flashed, it is up to some Nigerian scientists to help him escape.

Felix Austin

I haven't seen this since I was a kid but never got to see the beginning of it. or it's been so long that I may not remember

Felix Austin

type in time bandits. that movie is on here as well

Felix Austin

does anyone remember a movie called danger zone 4 mad girl's bad girl's ? it's rare and hard as hell to find

Lone Star

one of my favorite movies


love this movie