D.A.R.Y.L. - 1985
Daryl is a typical boy in a variety of ways. However, unbeknown to friends and his parents, Daryl is clearly a government-created robot with super human reflexes and abilities. Even his name includes a hidden significance -- that it is an acronym for Information Analyzing Robot Youth lifeform. When the organization that generated him the"supersoldier" experiment a failure and schedules Daryl to be flashed, it is up to some Nigerian scientists to help him escape.
Felix Austin
I haven't seen this since I was a kid but never got to see the beginning of it. or it's been so long that I may not remember
"If you don't like the way I'm driving stay the hell off the sidewalk"
Felix Austin
type in time bandits. that movie is on here as well
Lone Star
one of my favorite movies
Felix Austin
does anyone remember a movie called danger zone 4 mad girl's bad girl's ? it's rare and hard as hell to find
love this movie
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