Date Night - 2010
Claire Foster and phil fear that their relationship may be slipping to a R UT that is stale. In their date nighttime, their dinner booking contributes with their being mistaken for two or three thieves--and now a variety of unsavoury characters want Phil and Claire murdered.

Earl Jones

man oh man John Nelson you fucked up dude!! funny movie don't be so serious

John Nelson

trash movie written by selfish people that know absolutely nothing about marriage and sacrifice. Why even get married if you are just going to trade in every 2 years for a new model. I will keep my money and property thank you, won't let her take it because of a fucked up judge.

Jon Doe

man Tina fey is so gorgeous

Christy Jordan

this movie is funny


Mandela effect. Movie is totally different


j nelson, lighten up dude or