Dave Chappelle: The Dreamer - 2023
From his onstage tackle to the slap heard round the world, Dave Chappelle lets loose in this freewheeling and unfiltered stand-up comedy special.


Ppl need not be so sensitive if you're watching a "comedian" (at least until 5-6 years ago) it's important to keep an open "neutral" mind,yet some ppl today cannot understand the concept of comedy anymore they just look for something to complain about...

Antonio Garcia

I find it so offensive he had to hold back the jokes for a group of people it's called a comedy show for a reason deal with it Trans people

David Gunter

it wasn't his best, but he's the man. funniest comedian out. he I the best bar none

Deanne Fryberg

I dnnt know bout y'all but I really wanna see more sketches from Dave furrreal #LMS if Yu agree... Like My Status


I hope Dave takes some time off, the content seems subpar with awkward transitions and some rehashed material mixed in. Very little new good material. Dave take some time off and recharge.

Leo Gentile

everybody please and this means you give these comedians a break they let us laugh about life that is serious and they break it down in a funny way and we all need that everybody stop taking everything so serious it's all in fun we need this humor in our lives these days so relax

the BIG nobody

most definitely the best comedian of all time,and best story teller of all time. i don't think anyone will ever be able to even get close to being as funny as Dave Chappelle


Not his best, but it's Dave Chappelle Hilarious


I love his candor, he's a great storyteller and really immerses you in the joke in my opinion. Love the way he lulls you into the narrative and kind of sucker punches you with the punchline. He does seem a little rusty as above posters said but he still brought a tear to my eye[0

Vina Crockett

i love and have mad respect for david, he dont allow the industry to f his cost of living and he doesnt aalow them to take him down unlike some others we know... God be with all the ppl in the industry that are going thru the bs and wont let it take em in

Andra Daugherty

idk what the comment section is on, but it was funny !!! I laughed the whole time...

Nyx Elohim

What an amazing human being.

Bey Bradley

If I as a trans female can laugh at this then stop being so damn sensitive! SHIT! IT'S JUST JOKES!

Derk Burns

Dave is great, but all time not even close. That title belongs to Richard Pryor! Even Dave himself would tell you that. Let us not forget Eddie Murphy and Damon Wayans either.


you cynics really Crack me the hell up. Beef sells. And yet you still persist with all of your hate. Please, if this makes you feel some type of way, wait till you get a load of me!!

Alex Brijbasi

Dave Chappelle Definitely is the man. I been watching this brother for 20+ years.


This...wasn't that funny..

Itzah C. Kret

"People want the truth sugar coated and caramelized. Tell me, but don't hurt my feelings. It's the first blogger's fault". Itzah C. Kret

Robert Bennett

This wasn't his best..after the trans jokes.


the goat dave chappelle is the greatest of all time in my eyes I'm soo proud to have seen him live before