Dawn of the Dead - 2004
A group of survivors take refuge after flesh-eating zombies take over the planet.

Andre J Dean

Don't make good zombie movies like this anymore. There needs to be more movies like this in mall type settings, trains, hospitals, schools or small communities like how this movie started. Movies like Train To Busan need to be brought back to the big screen


It is a good movie, but the original one is the greatest zombie movie ever! They bite large chunks out of people in Goerge A Romero's zombie movies!


wait wait you're telling me they abandon the mall because four people died they had some food a lot of weapons and they had a gun stop owner but the gun stop owner died because of a dog then built a bus killed like four or three people went to the island and then still died

Tyrone Johns

the special effects in this zombie 🧟‍♀️ 🤣 🎬 movie is spot on "Sun"..

Malcolm Lamont Booker

great movie still


I like this movie, but it's not like it should be like in the original one where the dead are coming back with out being bitten. there coming back for some unknown reason.


hey all you zombie fans I have a awesome movie for you to watch! it's called survival of the dead, sequel to diary of the dead it's got awesome special effects just like diary of the dead! it's on the app Plex, it's a must see movie for sure!

Jordan Supa Iglehart

i can watch this movie a hundred more times never gets old "disturbed" DOWN WITH THE SICKNESS one of my favorite songs plus i had the chance to bartend for them a+++


I like this one but, the original one is the best zombie movie ever. It has more big chunks bitten off people!


if zombies were real, I believe that they be slow walking not track stars! because they would be going through rigamortis for sure! & they would be rotting away on their feet!

Jeffrey Galloway

this is a dope ass movie nothing else out there like this 🙌 👏 👌...Jeffrey...a.k.a.lil.thug...


this is a good movie but, I have seen a much better zombie movie than this one! diary of the dead makes this movie look like PG13 rated night of the comet! it's got more blood & gore than this one does! it has more awesome special effects than this movie does hands down for sure!


I love this movie, but the original one is much more better than this one! more better violence than this one and more gore!

Rene Sanchez

I get this more if I start it really reflects a lot of things that is going on and it's more realistic that resident evil which is my favorite movie I'm sorry to say that we might not see something like this but we will see the end of the word which mean some of us going to be fi


this is a good zombie movie, but I don't like the way they become zombies! you have to be bitten to become one! in George A Romero's dawn of the dead the dead just started waking up for some unknown reason, unless they were shot in the head!& also they call them undead cannibals!

Briggs Jones

I love this movie. I remember when they played the first ten minutes on the news the Monday before it came out in theaters. Fucking awesome


at the beginning of this movie it says based on George A Romero's dawn of the dead script! it should say loosely based on George A Romero's script! they are in a fake mall for one thing,&they call them undead cannibals for sure! zombies don't eat each other that's for damn sure!


did you know this is a fake mall in this movie? in the original movie it's a real mall that they filmed the movie at!


zombies aren't cannibals, they don't eat each other only warm flesh! George A Romero said that this movie is "a good action movie"! he didn't call it a good zombie movie for sure! so like I said it's a good zombie movie not a awesome zombie movie!

La ReiNa

Still My Favorite