Daylight's End - 2016
Years after having a mysterious plague has ravaged the world and flipped all of humanity to blood-hungry creatures, a fictitious drifter on a vengeful hunt stumbles along a band of survivors in an abandoned police station and reluctantly agrees to attempt to assist them protect themselves and retreat into the refuge they so desperately require.

Missy S

Watched on YouTube but I'm paid up here for now so no ads lol Definitely worth watching, especially since it does have the best looking man alive in it after all lol


You already know when you see Lance Henriksen in a movie he's not going to survive to the end of the movie. He never does except for the movie "ALIENS."

Scot “scotty” Charron

when ya see 3 good comments I go with that....


Good movie


is it about vampires or zombies? I've only watched the first 5 min of it so far

Marielena Elizalde

i love this. movie

Scot “scotty” Charron

vampire zombies

Robert Stevenson

sa la vego