D.C. Cab - 1983
The story of a group of cabbies and also a run down taxi company owned by Harold. Albert comes to town with a dream of starting their own taxi company but needs to motivate Harold's employees to desire to make something out of themselves. It is only when Albert is kidnapped that the cabbies must decide whether they are loyal to both Albert and his cause.

Troy Ransome

how did $6000 change everything about the cab company? cabs painted, new clothes, champagne, fixed the building etc off that little bit of money lol

Cory A. Bernstein

Clubber Lang ended up Becoming a Cab 🚖 🚕 😅 Driver Clubber Lang Rules

sam pisano

ĺoved this when I was younger . Best line ever " Don't let your dick run your life".

Gerald Horn

brings back memories

Scotty Summers

this was sum hilarious shit!!! To bad kids today don't have roll models like D C Cab

Juno Robledo jr

I was 9 years when I first saw this 1983 frkn funny ... Bruce Lee HaHa

Ice Cube

I love this when I waz a kid


40 years later, I'm still watching this movie!!

Everette Lowman

back In those days 6000 could change a lot

christopher roy

can't cast to my tv