Dead for a Dollar - 2022
1897. Dead for a Dollar follows veteran bounty hunter Max Borlund deep into Mexico where he encounters professional gambler and outlaw Joe Cribbens—a sworn enemy who Max sent to prison years before. Borlund is on a mission to find and return Rachel Kidd, the hostage wife of a wealthy Santa Fe businessman. Discovering that Mrs. Kidd has actually fled from an abusive marriage, Max is ultimately faced with a choice: finish the dishonest job he’s been hired to accomplish or stand aside while ruthless mercenary outlaws and his long-time rival close in... Max and his partner Alonzo Poe have nothing to gain if they resist— nothing save honour.


well it is woke I don't care for it I watched it all the way and it's trash

Scot “scotty” Charron

well Tarantino's woke as they come anyway, he's gotta be so the elite illuminati can protect his creepy weirdo ass

Shelbe Mitchell


Earl Jones

I've seen better but this isn't too bad

steve oliver

stupid movie

Gillis Martin

was a pretty good movie.


It's an ok movie

Forest M. Bondurant

good movie, Terinteno vibe.

Michael Odom


Jose Garcia

it's pretty good

Chris Hansford

it was ok

