Death Wish II - 1982
Paul Kersey is trying to get five punks who killed daughter and his housekeeper .

Joe Andrade

I like all charles brunswick movies death wish society now that will you see happens new york chicago Other states game foreign country women traffic All of those sick mining people she be shot on the spot and what they do heard another people too bad there is another

Ricardo Montalban Jr.

yea I love the naked house maid yea

Tye Lopez

y'all sound like a bunch of perverts

Mizzy Debor

He was & still is a Legend of his time & ours, yaa go Charles!! 👏 👏 👏 you were the Man!!!

Darnell Moland (Mr. DEMACC#1)

Charles Bronson movies is The best


those shit mofo wore Rosario out

Charlie Mcfadden

I love watching movies. But, please remove the ads. I hate! them!!

Doug Condie

awesome movie. Doug conde.

Hector Paramo

the best movie

Wolverringz Gutierrez


Alfred Needham
