Deepwater Horizon - 2016
An account set on the offshore drilling rig Deepwater Horizon, which exploded during April 2010 and created the worst oil spill from U.S. history.
Tony Foster
most true events that ever happened in history gives a primary suspect on why the accident happened in the first place. Trying to save lots of money in limited amount of time ,not realizing some time's the two don't match
Bryan C Rounds
my heart goes out to the people family that lost their love one's, and I continue to work in the Gulf of Mexico may God be with us everyday thank you all for understanding our life.
one of the best movies about true events i have ever seen!
I hope y'all know that BP didn't pay shit to the workers of the Deepwater Horizon. Know one got put in jail, and should be held accountable for what lives they ruined.
Bill Burr sent me but I still disagree, single parenting is just as chaotic as this. I remember when this happened. The media never did it justice. This was naval Armageddon. PHENOMENAL fucking casting. BP is a BIG POS and only $1300 restitution for victims!? That's MAJOR BS. 🤯
I've had this job fir over 20 years and they done a perfect job acting and recreating true events cuz this is exactly how a blowout is!!!
Carlos M
the first bad Omen is a warning sign that you're going to run into issues the car not starting the bird strike the littlest thing can be a bad Omen and you need to take that as a warning I turn around and go home the first si isgn of anything bad.
Carl Taylor
amazing film god rest all the men and women that died my heart and thoughts go to them and there family's
The acting was on a different level, it took tears out my eyes, Rip all those who lose their lives so that those on top can make all the money.
Scott Morton
I think that's a bad Omen right off the bat on top of the Coke can with the straw on the top you see it's going to be a bad day
every movie Mark plays in a true event he does Justice
Galaxy 2.3
if I was him I would want to hit the living crap out of the one in charge.
Alexandria Tapp
first time seeing this and I hope it's good
Tony Foster
Money is not mighty if it can become inflationble by so call greed until they bleed believers
Bp Shouldn't exist anymore however I pulled up to one of their gas stations the other day. SMFH. the Money talks lives don't money why??? The Ole Mighty Dollar for now.
Jesse Miller
Great film... Movies based on true events always feel close to life if they're done right... and this one is...
9.5/10... ... ⭐⭐⭐⭐➕...
Leon Williams
oil. might be the devil item cause wars companies n ppl fight 4 it n all it takes is a Lil light n boom woosh
Adam Dunphy
in 10 days, Deepwater Horizon rig exploded, 14 years ago.
Tony Foster
bp_ the best practices from british petroleum some would not say after that shit happend
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