Detachment - 2011
A chronicle of 3 weeks in high school educators, administrators and students' lifestyles through substitute teacher, Henry Barthes' eyes. Henry frees from school , imparting manners of comprehension, but never staying long enough to form any semblance of sentient attachment.

Jorge Melendez

good movie very sad also for the characters the teachers, students, the young lady he took her in and Meredith my God I felt so sorry for her the bulling her father's harassment wow good movie had me crying 😭 o

Enrique Soriano

this movie it's actually good shows how much the government doesn't care about our school system like the black guy said it's all about the resale value of the district the sad part is it's actually like that in every school in America but there are a few teachers that actually


Definitely the best teacher I've ever seen in my life and I'm an 80s baby. To not be able to console his student. Simple because of bs a** "teachers" like the one who walked in & accused him of assault. She's just as bad as the ppl on the board (that DC). They're the problem!

Selena Yarim

I loved how captivating this movie was at first. I thought I wouldn't like it. I even worried he was a bad guy, but he was a humble man who always tried making a difference and didn't expect anything back. This was a great movie 10/10 recommend it was really moving!

Selena Yarim

It was a great, deep, and meaningful movie. It touched my heart ❤️ We all have problems, but the important thing is not to let them sink you. You have to persevere & keep going even when the going gets tough. You must trust that it will all be okay.

John Willams

this was the best slice/of life movie I ever watched


omg. this movie got me. we need to be better parents and love ours

Selena Yarim

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

Selena Yarim

No matter how dark life begins to get, you gotta have hope that there's always gonna be some light at the end of the tunnel! God is light ✨️

Unknown User

who else came here from YouTube


This was a good movie 👍🏿

Ann Willard

This movie is raw and gritty and quite scarily truthful.


this movie hit me hard. I was crying a lot

Scot “scotty” Charron

or thumbs down 👎


best movie I ever seen

Whispers 77


Michael Callahan
