Detention - 2011
Like a killer named Cinderhella stalks the student body a set of co-eds group together to live while they functioning detention.


what in God's brown toilet bowl did i just watch. this is the type of movie you rent out of a red box outside a gas station at 4am on DVD hilarious, gruesome, and very confusing


goofy ass movie but it's good since my husband is in it

Scot “scotty” Charron

my wife's in it ,the only reason


watching this movie is like being high off every kind of drug known to man, while not actually taking any substances. I feel like i need to consult an adult. 😭 somone hold my hand


this movie is so amazing. ite funny how this would get flamed nowadays but this is comedy gold..very unique

kathy ellis

I only came here for four reasons! 1: The horror 2: My childhood movie 3: Josh Hutcherson 4: Spencer Locke THAT'S IT!

Teddy Moritz

I feel like this movie is mean girls but a horror movie and better cus josh hutcherson is in it

Earl Jones

goofy but a good watch

Dan S

this is stupid 🤦🏿‍♂️ I could only watch a few minutes.

Christian J Bustamante

they won't last much longer in real-life especially you.

Matty J

Lol I Absolutely Loved This Movie


destined to become a cult classic

Amberley Byrd

It was a good movie


it was a good movie

