Disciples in the Moonlight - 2024
A reluctant leader heads up a team of seven Christians intent on smuggling Bibles to underground churches in a future America where the Bible is illegal and danger is around every corner.


For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 1 Corinthians 1:18

Johnny Lay

Christianity, Christianity is to be taught. not only read. What haveYou learned in your heart, can you teach? Even if they burned all the books we will be witnesses of Christ

Mark Eastlack

wow this may be the dumbest thing I have ever seen. Hilariously bad. it's not even good propaganda it fails to show how outlawing the Bible ruined everything...maybe bc it wouldn't ruin anything

Brandon McDonnell

You people don't seem to understand. This is really going to happen and soon.

Marc Hernandez

To hell with that, ain't nobody taking my Bible or anything else away from me.


Then he (Jesus) said to his disciples, β€œThe harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9: 37-38 You've been called

Nunya Business

I thought the universal sign for hidden or secret Christians was a fish? I don't know how or what that sign is. I'm going to research.


Don't know when but this WILL HAPPEN!! May the Most High be with His people!! we must walk by faith and not by sight!

David Toale

to many people scared of what they can't see it's about faith

David Toale

what are you talking about this is where are world is heading to

Babua Hughes

The true word of God is real and so is God you just have to believe and have faith God bless for those who do believe and have faith amen.πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

Julisa Salazar

you are absolutely right and it is scary but I don't care I would die for my Father.

james devane

I want to watch this movie but after you updated it it's not the right movie at all

James Moore

they weren't carrying bibles t shirts jokes on the coppers man the laws they broke lol 7 people with 66 tees apiece loved it good movie nother movie qhere we the people stick it the man

James Moore

this is a movie made by Christians to teach Christians to get a back bone bout time

Douglas Daugherty

well this shows the stupidity of humans believing the biggest fictional book ever sold

Raymond DiLuzio

This is the perfect example of Christian victim mentality. They are the majority and still acts like everyone is out to get them. It's so pathetic that's is sad.

Will Leonhardt

when the time come n the devil of this world puts me on my knee n gives me the choice life or death. take my life! to be separated from this body is to be with god

Danielle Orser

uh not anywhere close to the trailer of this movie?? not even same cast?? wth?

David Platte

Absolutely terrific movie