Doctor Sleep - 2019
A traumatized, alcoholic Dan Torrance matches Abra, a kid who has got the capacity to"glow" He attempts to protect her by the legitimate Knot, a cult who is aim is always to feed people like them in order to stay immortal.
Simon Mcconnell
really good movie. I hope it made up for The shining since Stephen King didn't like how the shinning movie was portrayed. who'd want to piss Stephen King off twice anyway
Matt Lawrence
top 5 greatest sequels of all time in no particular order :
Bride Of Frankenstein (1935)
The Godfather part 2 (1974)
Aliens (1986)
T2 : Judgment Day (1991)
Doctor Sleep (2018)
Keyana Henry
I love this movie... my new Shining
Stephanie Hurd
I haven't enjoyed a movie like this in so long. I think more movies should be made like this. It tells a story that basically can be true, only it may be in a different format. I think the world needs to wake up to what is really in this world. so many are still hypnotized.
Elayne Brant
That's exactly what it sounds like. Thousands of voices screaming inside your head. Over the years I had to learn how to think of it as a radio and see myself reaching for the volume know and turning it down. But the ones after me entered my dream realm of reality. I won.
Elayne Brant
They call alcohol spirits for a reason. EVIL SPIRITS. Only wine in moderation is actually good for you. Jesus blessed us with wine for a reason also.
LaMonica Echols
I love doctor sleep I can watch it all day I also love the classic one as well some sequels are good but most are terrible and need to be left alone
Lance Hopkins
this movie Dr sleep it's not really a good movie it shows more of children being kidnapped and it shows more feelings of children being sacrificed for the Demonic reasons and it also shows kind of children to be kidnapped for sexual children trafficking. that's what we think
Lance Hopkins
this movie shows no scary Miss in it at all what it shows is a lot of sadness what's happening to our children that's what this movie is promoting and that is what me and 12 other people that just watch this movie think about it it promotes bad things for children.
Tanya Myers
I had no idea this was a sequel to the shining until I started watching it!! great surprise!! I love the shining!! and I'm sure I'm going to love this. took long enough to get a sequel to the shining geeze 😉
Elayne Brant
Scatman Cruthers played the old man in the shinning. RIP Scatman. You are missed. He was such a great actor.
Matt Lawrence
underrated sequel book & sequel movie to the original
Sabria Bennett
like a stephen king book I love it
Tina Colmer
love this film. watched it twice now and watching it again Monday night with my daughter.
The shining Great movie, Jack Nicholas.
Doctor Sleep, Great movie for a sequel.
Travis Fresh
the little baseball kid is the boy from the movie "Room"
Tristin Addison
rose the hat so fine
jerry burrell
hell yeah did you see the first
Already at the very beginning of the movie is very different from the book.
Lithynia Sese
awesome but it should have been named the shining 2
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