Dogma - 1999
The most recent battle in the eternal war between Good and Evil has come to New Jersey in the late, late 20th Century. Angels, demons, apostles and prophets (of a sort) walk among the cynics and innocents of both America and then duke it out to the fate of humankind.
natalie Hurley
love this movie.
reminds you to always say God Bless You when someone sneezes. that everyone wants Candy, men and strength women alike (let's face it Selma Hyack is freaking Hot) Allan Rickman was a great straight man. Silent Bob can speak
Alanis Moracet is perfect a God.
Jon Smith
Salma omg so so fine I would give her the best 2 minutes of her life wow tippy top notch!!!!
Christina Nichole
I absolutely love this movie!!
Vilikata Vuki
just because y'all have a grudge against the Creator God and that's why they had their plan set using y'all while God was doing what God does
smokey freeze
this joint ji vicious , fucks wit wit it
good movie, but some misinformation there
Edwin Dance
oooo...Must've been a valid reason I didn't come across this movie alot sooner 😁
Venus Logsdon
love all their movies
who ever wrote this movie was a genius love it
Marie Davis
I love this movie.
what a great movie
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