Elvis - 2022
The life of American music icon Elvis Presley, from his childhood to becoming a rock and movie star in the 1950s while maintaining a complex relationship with his manager, Colonel Tom Parker.
Felicia Docgrand
and why did they put that rap in there why do you put a rap music in a movie that's supposed to be done back in the 60s this don't make no sense to me I hate that it takes away from the movie
Great film amazing saw it yesterday. Now we need a little Richard movie who influenced Elvis. get a great actor as they did for Thomas and we’re set
tania <3
what a beautiful movie ! i know i sound like an old ahh person , but didn't expect myself to cry near/at the end when elvis was going through all that stress and trouble . my favorite part is when he said "lawd have merthy 👴🏻" and stuck the microphone in his mouth . 😭 '
Sandra Spradlin
Austin did a marvelous job, he was awesome, he should get an award-winning film of this movie. Love you Austin, and thank you very much-needed,,to keep his legacy going .
Arvel Jones
This movie didn't show how really rotten the so-called colonel was! He took advantage andvange of Elvis In every way! When he signed Elvis he had 2 contracts in his pocket one g or 15% and one for 50%. When he saw how backwards the Elvis' were he had them sign the 50% one.
Man this icon was a good man and people are always trash talking about him, he had flaws and wasn't perfect but he did his best to be a good human being
Felicia Docgrand
I can honestly say as an African-American woman regardless of what the hoopla is about Elvis who cares its two songs of his that I will definitely Bob my head too
Patricia Wrightson
it was all right could have been better thought it would be about his life as a boy all the way up to time he died it had a lot of that rap music and that wasn't there back then yeah he did all right acting job of Elvis Presley but he really doesn't look like him I think
Ricky Parker
elvis was the king...he is the reason all the entertainers are making the money 💰 that they are making to day I loved the movie..could it have been done better..yes..but it should have been done..years ago..but iam a black man who grew up in that time..I loved elvis presley.[0
Felicia Docgrand
I don't care what anybody says that white boy played the heck out of Elvis he did a great job when he was in Vegas that was my favorite part, my favorite part, and me being a black woman. I always loved his music.
GOLD STAR MOVIE!! This is best movie I ever see in a very very long time!! WOW!! This movie will answer ever question you have about Elvis!!! It will knock your socks off!! It even had me crying.
this is the second time I saw this movie and I think Parker was the lowest dirtiest low down pis scumbag to ever get in Elvis' life. everyone used him for money but damn Parker took the cake he took half if not more from Elvis and turned him into a slave at that venue in Vegas
Could have been better with out the Fing RAP music in the movie…. Gangster rap music wasn’t even invented back then!
Lots of very important. events were changed and omitted in this version that Priscilla gave to the writers. Elvis was never home trying to avoid her. Priscilla had an affair with her coach, cause Elvis never touched her after Lisa Marie was born. Elvis true love was Ann Margaret.
Toni Way
I realize that we can't have the real Elvis, but, not impressed with this movie at all.... can't duplicate or replace the real Elvis. R.I.P.
Tina Watson
I am stuck on this movie. I don't want to watch anything else. if I don't have time to watch the movie, I am watching the videos. it's almost like having Elvis back. Austin Butler is PHENOMENAL In this movie. This is by far my favorite movie of all time.
Childhood Dreamer
That was awesome, now I know the real story of how Elvis Presley was introduced to the world and became The King of Rock and Roll. I can't believe that two faced Tom Parker would at first make him famous and then make him a slave to fame.
Elvis would be proud of Austin for portraying him in this movie.
RIP Elvis Presley, you absolute legend.
James Locker
people are trying to be like Elvis it shows the real courage of life you have actors that carries on for people that was loved ones that has died more like Tupac more like any f****** body that song a song movie stars it don't matter if you are black and white but back in the old
James Locker
back in the older days of Gray and now it's clear the world has gotten stupid and forgot history we have ancestors that is different colored but I know if you look at the history the right way your life will change so stop judging and stop being a hypocrite because karma will bit
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