Elysium - 2013
At the year 2159, two groups of people exist: the wealthy who survive a pristine manmade space channel called Elysium, and the others, who go in an Earth that is overpopulated, ruined. Secretary Rhodes (Jodie Foster), a difficult line authorities official, will stop at nothing to apply anti-immigration legislation and maintain the luxurious lifestyle of the taxpayers of Elysium. From trying to be in, by any way they 19, the folks of Earth will not stop. When unlucky Max (Matt Damon) is backed into a corner,'' he agrees to take on a chilling assignment that, when successful, won't only save his lifebut may contribute equality into those polarized worlds.
Harry Bishop
many of you sheeple don't even know what your government posess. sad that 98% of the population believes the bull crap that is fed to you by the propaganda machine.
Roger Miller
i noticed an issue. in the first scene of him irradiating the robots he has to activate that function... but when he goes in to move the pallet it does it automatically?
plot hole much
The cgi in this is actually pretty good imo ngl
Ray Lir
good movie reminds me of call of duty game with the nano suits and all great work matt
Rich Duenas
has anyone else watched the movie "Henry''? it's pretty good you can find it from the actors bio the merc that works for Jodie foster
justin aldridge
I need to practice more on my stretching because I was almost able to suck my own cock today.
lol crazy how the same actor played in district 9 lmao such a difference great actor
Tykal Owens
only watching cause Eminem was supposed to be in it
Archie Turner
Neil Blomkap is a visionary Director
Tina Moody
great CGI tmoody172@gmail.com
Rodrigo Cruz
I like gtr r35 look cool
Doug W. Toon
I watched to see Alice
Steven Funderburg
Best Blomkamp film.
Tykal Owens
good Fuckin movie
Elizabeth Smith
wonderful.. movie
Randy Tewksbury
great movie
Timothy Everett
I love gci
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