Escape from Alcatraz - 1979
Escape from Alcatraz tells the narrative of the few men ever to escape from the infamous maximum security prison at Alcatraz. In 29 decades, the seemingly impenetrable federal penitentiary, which placed Al Capone and"Birdman" Robert Stroud, was simply broken once - by three men never heard about again.
Choria Jackson
fun fact.did you know, that,.Danny Glover was in this movie..he was one of the inmates.
Tony Foster
this movies gives a good look at how someone with a high eye cue iq gets out of his own jam.
Tony Foster
the real mystery of this film , did they make it or forever lost at seA
Jason Webb
There was a letter sent to the F.B.I stating that it was Frank who wrote it. He said that he'd turn himself in, if they would cover his medical bills. He had cancer and couldn't afford to pay for his treatments. Now the question is, was it really Frank? The F.B.I didn't look.
Lorenzo Guice
if frank on your team you gone make it
they did make it one of them years later wrote there mother
Anglin Brothers made it.
it's based on a true story
why is it so hard to get these movies to start
Louise Villebrun
seems like anyone can go to prison right or wrong it's justified with 🤑💰 more poluting policies for feeding them rich kids
lol the look on Butts face when Doc cut off his fingers is just about how 80% of people would probably make and fill
Jose Rivera
one of the best 💯🔥💪
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