Everest - 2015
Inspired by the incredible events surrounding a treacherous attempt to get to the peak of the whole world's highest mountain,"Everest" documents the aweinspiring journey of two different expeditions challenged beyond their limits by a few of the fiercest snow storms ever encountered by mankind. Because a lifelong obsession gets a stunning fight for survival their mettle tested by the harshest of elements the pitches are going to face nearly impossible obstacles.

Becky James

This was so heartwarming it made me cry I felt the hurt and love, R.I.P. to the ones who didn't make it.

Jesse Miller

Good movie... I enjoy films based on true events... I'd say I don't understand the need to do this kind of thing... but I'm planning on skydiving soon so I guess I get it... but I'm not gonna freeze my balls off jumping...


great movies just shows you that human survival is stronger than the impossible.


a bunch of dumb asses .that's what you get when you have no real direction in life .

Dub Camp

it's so fascinating it is so heartbreaking that so many ppl lost there lifes

Tommy Powell

wasn't it another about this??🤔