Faces of Death - 1978
A set of death scenes, ranging to Super 8 movies that are homemade from TV-material. The element is death by some means.

Dr. Mindbender

wonder why they don't have the others, 6 of them. not including Many Faces of Death or Traces of Death

Curtis Bybee

this shit scared me when I was kid my neighbor let me borrow it ny mom chewed his ass out I was 8

Joseph Johnson 3rd

This shows first hand how evil and careless man can be. This are some of the reasons why life of civilizations died and repeated because the mind on this world is damaged 🧠🔨

Crystal Ceja

i just don't understand how that one video of those I'm srry to say but that one scene where those stupid stupid couple of the man n lady were feeding that bear n calling it closer to them n the stupid guy came outta the car to take a closer picture of the bear!?? "stupid"?

Crystal Ceja

continued from my other post im pretty sure the guy taking photos of that bear knew that bears r highly dangerous he was really stupid to get outta the car n try to get a face close up of the bear! well now I hope his lady friend feels guilty for idk how fkn stupid cn ppl be?

Holly Wolf-Soldier

man these used to scare me as a kid let me tell you

William Ayala

there's 9 movies I watch them all when I was 12 they had the whole collection at the local movie rental store back then.


seen this before. should make available the rest of the series. Never ceases to amaze me just just hoe stupid man is

David Ratliff

is there any more face of death this is cool movie

Dick Harry

I look up 1000 ways to die and it pop up more faces of death tha how i find a few more

Charles Atkinson

there are 5. Dr. Gross dies, his colleague produces the remaining 4.

Sonia Ive Va

there 18 volumes of faces of death


omg any one that believes this shit is in adsult morons, what a piece of shit this whole crap was

Raymond Montiel

I love this movie it's my favorite

Rebecca Sell

yes there is a Faces of Death too but I don't think they have it on here I'm not for sure if they made any more after the second one

Tony Foster

I can understand what this film shows about what we as so called humans face by our own doing that leads to certain death


wanna see some serious shit ..check out traces of death 123

Sharron Hawk

I just wish they didn't have the animals. People, I have no pitty for.

Sonia Ive Va

there's more then 5

Kareem Davis

most of the faces of death is fake.