Fallen - 1998
Homicide detective John Hobbes witnesses the execution of serial killer Edgar Reese. Immediately the killings start again, plus they're very similar to Reese's style.
Jason Webb
1 thing I that about this movie. The narrator talking, at the beginning he's talking as the Demon and then it flips to Hobbs. I guess they think people can figure out who's who. But to be honest, it gets very confusing at times.
Shekishia Spencer
This move is something to watch
Jason Webb
It is so crazy to think about, all those dead languages over the centuries. Today one of the hardest languages in the world, it's spoken and written by more people then any other language. The English language is that language and in a couple of centuries, it will be gone.
Kendre Lamar
tiktok had me watch it good movie tho but get the message people
Latoya Ellison
this is really demonic
great movie, I really love it!
Terrion Clemmons
great movie can't stop watching
IceRein The Gamer
written and directed by... Azazel
this tripped me out
⭐ Star ✨ 76
I love it
Dwayne Billingsley
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