Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore - 2022
Professor Albus Dumbledore knows the powerful Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald is moving to seize control of the wizarding world. Unable to stop him alone, he entrusts Magizoologist Newt Scamander to lead an intrepid team of wizards, witches and one brave Muggle baker on a dangerous mission, where they encounter old and new beasts and clash with Grindelwald’s growing legion of followers. But with the stakes so high, how long can Dumbledore remain on the sidelines?


Really don't know why everyone's whinging. It's a great film with lots of twists and great characters, in the spirit of Harry Potter movies. I bet if this was the first ever Harry Potter Universe film it would've receive nothing but praise.

Irvin Summers

... It was of the 1st month view , I ever felt my way through ... ... It was amazing, magical, and at moments, touching, tearful .... ... I really, REALLY felt, the real life ques, about Family, Love, Loneliness, Friendships and having my a full Heart .... .... sniffle......

Silvia Rodriguez

the lord is beauty in purest form and he wants us to be to so we can all love he died for us and came back for me and you now it's time for us to do are part to wich is listening

Jerry Davis

The movie was good It should be a way to eliminate those f****** a** That's a waste of time Every time you go to looking at the movie then a f****** egg come up to my f****** install a game


No joy, just a grind of death and misery from the beginning. There was no need to drag these films into the dark excesses of the Harry Potter universe. Especially is such unhappy times as these. Allow kids some joy. Rather than slitting the throats of cute CGI creatures. Truly revolting.

Robyne Rupe

ummm I pay for premium so why on November 2, 2024 am I seeing this nonsense on the screen sirs.?!! other then that Peace & Blessings


look it's a kid movie I could careless what u do in ur own home. I'm sick of this woke fag agenda.this is really a stab at pedophilia they seek to corrupt children so yeah we going to make a big deal outta it children should be protected from predators


First off, Johnny should be thankful he didn't play the bad boy in this movie, he dodged a bullet on this one! This is not for kids, it's a horrible movie. It's not for animal lovers either, it's just disturbing. I'm super I watched it.

Justo Zalazar

I love all the Barry Potter movies, thay make me feel young and like a kid again. it's a shame I cod not enjoy them with my 3 kids but I hope and pray thay share them with there kids one day. Thank GOD for recovery...

Loretta Boren

the worst mistake Disney ever made was firing jd from this movie . I believe he would have made this movie the blockbuster it could have been


why is there Chinese writing all over the screen every time someone talks


I paid for premium and still have to deal with Chinese subtitles?????? wtf is this

slick rick

theseewedt up oce he made Dumbledore gay just cause now Hollywood is intent on shoving gayness down our throats. can't stañd what hollyweird has become. Wish trump could do something about but it's out of his jurisdiction but not God nor Jesus Christ. Hollywood will one day burn.

Michelle Gorman

Grindelwald is clearly Trump. The plot is based on the mental illness of the States.


Oh dear! I was hoping the third film in the series would be better than the second but no. It's completely lacking in charm, cohesion, depth and it is, quite frankly, boring. The dourness of the 'plot' swallows up Eddie so completely even he can't make me like it.


Better than the second movie of the franchise. A bit of saving grace but feels disconnected. Visuals are nice though. The middle is in disarray. The franchise is yet to make a sense, but hopefully it will come together in the next two movies.


Should've been called "A Secret of a Dumbledore"...bit of an undercooked mess, not quite redeemed by superfluous Easter eggs or fantastic beasts of visual sequences. Just short of magical in every possible way.


Nothing really happens for a very long period of time. Expected a good movie after a boring 2nd entry but this is worse than the last one. Dumbledore suddenly being over the top geh doesn't help either.


Visuals are as always beautiful. But story line is too boring & sadly both some of the story & the character also ripped off from "The Twelve Kingdoms anime (Kirin)". I am really disappointed.


Bland movie with no Depp.Jude law is good, but can't carry the whole movie by myself.CGI is good, story is pretty plain.I wished for a better movie all and all, still happy I watched it.