Fatal Attraction - 1987
A married man's one night stand comes home to haunt him if the buff begins to stalk his family and him.

Ronald Dennis

why do women always play the pregnant card knowing they are not pregnant,?? But oñ the other hand he's getting what he deserves...but the bitch had no right to touch his daughter. I would have killed the bitch,

Joe Hunter

A must see for all Playaz, thats what I been told, and now I see why. Classic Movie. 💯

Paula Dille jones

She SHOULD have thought about RESPECT BEFORE she slept with a Married man.

Nikki McNair

One of the BEST movies ever!!!


lesson learned some woman when they give you the poontang you belong to them regardless if you are married or not make sure guys you have a mutual understanding and please hit it and quit it!!!

Lacrecia Howard

First you were making love but now you frighten like cats and dogs lessen learn ..never cheat.

Tony Foster

a real lonely woman with A controlling personality gone mad.


He would have been SMOKED if there were cell phones in that time, it was 1987. He couldn't have gotten away with a message on the answering machine from his wife saying "sorry I missed you, I guess you must have went to bed early and missed my call" LOL

Paula Dille jones

That's the Way it outt work. He cheats. She gets a NEW house outta Guilt.

Ace Brown

Just get a bottle of lotion 🧴🧴🧴, cheating isn't worth this...

Ronald Dennis

Stay faithful guys...women too

Paula Dille jones

When that Baby sees Mommy and Daddy that way. It BREAKS MY HEART EVERYTIME.


This is such a GR8 Movie. The 3 Stars played their r roles Perfectly

Tony Foster

full of lust and a need to get nasty type film, coming from the realms of married life

Stephen Oleary

when she was looking in the house,why didn't the dog bark? hmmm?

Paula Dille jones

My Maddie had hugs like that. Good Hugs and I Miss HER.

Rachel Read

Is this where the expression bunny boiler came from?

JoAnn Antista

I like this movie because I love Michael Douglas.

Charles Wood

Glenn Close is so ugly

Trevor Fitz Herbert Tobin

hey hey. it's a movie