Fences - 2016
Back in 1950s Pittsburgh, a frustrated father struggles with the limits of racism, poverty, and their or her own demons as he attempts to boost a family group.


where is the hd version of this movie come on guys this is from 2016

Devonte Britton

"Fences" movie 🎥 🍿 really takes the audience back to a day where men spoke candidly and firmly about their beliefs and the actions that follow them. This film 📽️ easily receives 10 stars 🌟✨ out of 10 stars 🌟✨, as there is never a boundary between the fences.

Renee Pate-Sims

His Son always playing a broke man too good to work a 9 to 6 5 and relying on somebody else's hard earned money. 🤬


fences is one of the best tear jearker flims of all times it will make you cry


Really enjoyed this dynamic movie. It was like seeing someone's life actually play itself out in front of you!

Lupe Rdz

reminds me of my childhood with my dad

Monica Banks

people are so selfish

Mama D

interesting movie

Anthony Roberts

very good movie

Maurice Fulton

great movie

Adam Pike

great movie

Magdalene Wells

good movie

Edward Winrow
