Fire in the Sky - 1993
A group of men who were draining bush for that us government arrive back claiming that their friend had been abducted by aliens. Nobody thinks them, despite no evidence of foul play and a lack of reason, their friends' disappearance is treated as murder.
Don Julio
I'm glad all of you like this movie I was part of production always remember to keep yours eyes to the sky
Valerie BK
I would not leave any1 ever. fyi . ìdk if it's military but in brighton beach brooklyn there's weird sounds at night and objects floating in the sky.
awesome. my first time seeing it. I'm in shock OMG poor guy
Ty Beauvais
yay first comment. love this movie!!!! love you RIVOTO
Richard Hickey
I remember the first time watching this movie many years ago I had nightmares but watched again not bother me
if only I could let my government know what star system I'm from
I know Travis .he's still kinda messed up
Cheryl Daniels
The abducted guy was on George Noorys talk show
he has an archive of it.
Cheryl Daniels
This story was true. I heard the testimony of the guy who was abducted. Pretty scary stuff.
Jon Smith
the reason I don't believe this really happened is no men in black suits showed up to c Travis plus he failed a lie detector test a few years back
Pedric Gorman
Yeah. I Love this movie too! It always is in my watch list. DVDs an VHS. STILL GOT EM.
Felix Belt
wow I lve this movie
Miss Atkins
I love this movie
Angel Pagann
German Allison
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