Firestarter - 2022
A girl with extraordinary pyrokinetic powers fights to protect her family and herself from sinister forces that seek to capture and control her.


The only reason I rated a 5 is bc I did like Miss Armstrong. Other than that...snooze fest. No originality, no new twist, no nothing. I am a big fan of the 1984 original, so I may be biased; however, based on the other reviews...I don't think I'm off base.


The only excuse I can think of for this film to exist is that the writer and director saw the original movie when they were young and tried to recreate the parts they remembered. They obviously didn't read the book either.


This film bears no resemblance to the Stephen King book nor the film made in the 80's. It is a poor attempt to cash in on special effects. The only part related to the book/film is the character names.


I feel like each time they adapt a Stephen King material,when they reach filming the ending each time they say:"Okay everyone, lets wrap this up in 15 minutes!"And by that I mean the editing, filming, script...For those 15 minutes you receive 30 minutes of movie time which is... this.


5/10 - it pains me to say this after the exciting, horror classic opening credits and strong opening scenes, but this is like a Lifetime movie and not even among the best Lifetime movies out there.


This is the worst ever movie I ever seen. Bad story, bad acting a I wonder what is Stephen king saying about it. Waste of time to watch it and waste of money to make it. Just terrible!


It's so terrible. It's even worse than a 90s Lifetime Movie. Storyline was boring, acting sub par. I didn't think anything could be worse than tje original movie. I was wrong.


Yea, right, but not.I was hoping a good movie despite the reviews ...actors are just fine just as they are.But plots and ending just tasteless, unattractive and just ugh ..


Oh dear a lesson in how not to make a remake, I can honestly say there is nothing better in this movie than the original. This really should be burned and forgotten about.

Atom Ovedin

I see a lot of negative comments, I personally liked this remake. it wasn't exactly like the original which is good. probably one of the better remakes I've seen.

Wiliam Johnson

this movie put me to sleep 😮 its better than warm milk

Michael Weymouth

Wow. What a POS. They change the story, give her extra powers, and she barely does anything. The original was 10 times better than this.

B!G B!rD

yo !s there anyone that can help me better w!th th!s app because can't really get th!s app to cast from my Chromecast?


1984 firestarter is awesome but they remake so many times and miss parts of it.


cheesy. they really need to stop doing remakes of S.k movies.

Heyoka V Peace


Romario Venancio

pq os filmes nn sĂŁo portuguĂȘs?

Gracie Hall

what does it mean this movie