Frankenstein - 1931
Dr Henry Frankenstein is enthusiastic about assembling a living being in portions of corpses that were several.

Brian Press

HertthhRay HertthhRay 🤣🤣🤣 I Loved These Frankenstein Original movies With Colin Clive, Boris Karloff And Of Course Bela Lagosi. (Please Excuse My Spelling) 🙏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🇺🇸🇮🇱👍🏻

Sir Creed

which Frankenstein movie is it where he pulls the woman's head off and throws it on the floor I've been looking for this move forever I thought it was Frankenstein's bride but I watched it and that's not the movie if anybody knows out there and Frankenstein world please let me kn

Jypzi Love

Now we watch Bride of Frankenstein. Awesome also. I just bought a projector 📽️. BIG Screen on the wall 🧱.

Vernon Winston

Eerrr... hummn. Well. Git' dis'. I wuz' actually lookin' fo' a SPACE FERRYING CRAFT, dat' had a horrible airtime accident, DAT ALLOWED SCIENTISTS ta' create a HUMAN CYBERNETIC ORGANISM FROM TRANSITER PARTS & EVERY READY BATTERIES. "But" no dice


I love these old Universal monster movies.

Mark Stefanovsky

92 years old. Fantastic movie! Karloff is the best!

Sir Creed

which Frankenstein movie is it where he pulls the head off the woman when he meets her

alianza alianza

Frankenstein is good


I love These real classic horror movies


what a legendary classic

Traquida Jerdine


Bob 01
