Fruitvale Station - 2013
The story of Oscar, a 22-year-old Bay Area resident, that crosses paths with enemies friends, family, and strangers in the day of 2008.

Sierra Marcinkowski

and know that the cop didn't even get long he should has severed his time like anyone else tf πŸ™„ that has me really mad to. using a get of jail free card like tf do you know if everyone had a get out of jail free card there would be so many fucking criminals out on the street.

Ms.Butterfly β€œLoSt SoUL” Turner

when I first saw this movie I cried I didn't understand then like I understand now but the world has to be willing to change itself since this movie shyt got worse #youmatter #fightforyou

Tamika Schaffer

I hope everyone notices that 99.9 percent of the time something like this happens, a white cop is the one involved. I often wonder if the black cops ever ask themselves, if we all are suppose to be blue, why do so many of the citizens that are wrongfully killed look like me?

Sierra Marcinkowski

you know it is 2022 and this shit is crazy like it needs to stop killing black people for what bc we are not the same race like God dame. oh yeah and BTW I cried so hard and knowing he had a kid that had to hurt so dame bad

Sierra Marcinkowski

cops using gun to kill and not serve and protecting like they should be doing.And I am saying all of this and my uncle is a cop

Jose Adorno

this black and white shit has to stop because that's what people want to see a black man killed by a black man but If you see a white man killed by a white man they mad saying yo they killed a white man over there but If they killed a black man they will say fuck that a black man

Tanya Roberts

good movie. proof that not all people should be cops. never understood people who antagonize in these situations though. talking shit and acting tough. he had the right idea, chill and talk it through calmly but instead they all wanted to act out and got him shot.

Jose Adorno

this movie is good because I have not seen a movie like this in a long time so fuck it how ever life it or not

Gambits Fool

those 6 people (at the time of this post) that hit the down button... You got no compassion?

Glenn Harbin

don't speak do what they say. we had the rite to remain quiet. but they taken hour rites away 4 new world orders. depopulation is on. we in end times peoples. wake up.

Glenn Harbin

this shows that freemason cops can shoot 2 kill. and can use get outta jail free card at anytime.. by saying him or her was armed...

Jose Adorno

that's nothing he is only black man not a white I say let's get together because if we don't get together we are going to die



Kasandra Justiniano

the biggest criminal umpire is the police force they think that badge gives them a free pass to do as they please


wow. that was powerful. cop served 11 months and released. smh

Berry Brown

police ain't nothing but a legal gangπŸ–•

Craig Lyons

wow it's heart breaking when reality smacks you in the face.


Wow this movie made me cry 😭, that police officer should have gotten 25 to life!!! πŸ€¬πŸ’©πŸ–•

Kasandra Justiniano

show me someone who ain't a cop to do the same shit an walk out with 11months served

Raynaldo Leos

don't ever disrespect a man during a visit with a parent ,it will get you killed!