Gemini Man - 2019
Henry Brogen, an aging assassin attempts to get out of the business but finds himself fighting his clone who is 25 years younger than him at the summit of his abilities.

Bay Area

This App is the, *Biggidy Biggidy Bomb... The Movie selections are off the Charts. Just like this one

kazimir kennedy

I am really sick and tired of these arrogant demon-possessed women who lost their virginity I don't want them I don't care if they believe in God or not since they lost their virginity they all demons

Angel love

really good I enjoy any will Smith filmπŸ€ŒπŸΎπŸ€ŒπŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ

Makhulu 313

Best Movie ever as a Will Smith Fan it touched my heart🩡 to see him loving his self, this movie is the literal definition of self love.

Dorothy Robinson


Sherry Hickson

so I don't understand why man open their mouth saying they want a virgin and they're not virgin that's some BS

Robert Commodore

I don't understand how they made it look like their are two of him

kazimir kennedy

I want my wife to only be a virgin other women who are not are purely demonic

Vernon Winston

OSCARS. Riiiigght? See dis' emoji ? πŸ€”: OKAAY. πŸ€” Dis' is emoli IS A LOOK ALIKE, dat' SMACKED anudder emoji dis' one "😈", fo' talkin' 'bout its MOMMA in a mobile app review !!! Dis' movie wuz' preeeetty cooooool !!!!


What Nyuggha you know brings Flowers 🌼 🌹 on a 1st date this day and age? BETTA know, we link up I'm bringing nothin but ( Deep Voice) DIIIIIICCCCKKK.

j j

tremendous action in this movie once it gets going

Cori Schneider

I love all of Will Smith's movies. He is by far one of my top 5 favorite actors.

Philip Mitchell

What about the very young one they should have had something about him

Sherry Hickson

I feel that if a woman should be a virgin I think of man should be a virgin too and you know sometimes I don't happen at all

rachel blanch


jason vela

will Smith got slapped like Chris rock lol

Precious Richardson

I've always been in love with will, but damn. this movie was freaking awesome

Kush FairyNy1

I think Will.Smith is an AMAZING actor

Barry G Brown Sr

yes, this app is awesome THANKS for sharing πŸ‘

Arizona Smith

This was a beautiful beautiful movie