Ghislaine Maxwell: Filthy Rich - 2022
Stories from survivors frame this documentary detailing the sex-trafficking trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, a socialite and accomplice of Jeffrey Epstein.

Bekki Dorman

Welp guess that's what killed Epstein in jail, he wasn't getting those 3 orgasms a day the doctors said he have LMFAOROTF

Bekki Dorman

That uppity bitch talks about those girls saying THEY are "Nothing, they are trash" when SHE literally was the trash "feeding" her pedo boyfriend and his pals. I hope she burns in Jail fracking ratchet simpleton

Mo Gum

Power, Pervert, Predator, Pedophile, Poser, Prostitute, all start with the same letter as P...retty, P... et, all led to RAPE of a ladies rights. 😭