Gifted - 2017
One man raising his child prodigy niece Mary, frank, is drawn into a custody struggle.


Who else saw this on tiktok before watching it??

Brennin Gillespie

she kind of reminds me of the movie Matilda but except she has a higher standard of mathematics

Stephanie (1-800-Vervain)

Crying?? No I'm not crying I-I just have something in my eye

Nuam Tel

I love this movie I been trying to find this

Lorelei Bare

I love this movie. I've been trying this everywhere

Carrie Mowell

such a good, heart string puller.

Trevor Eures

I'm not crying... your crying

Keith Colvin

Chris Evans, is exceptional in this role, and the young lady playing His Niece, She has an Amazing Future ahead of Her....


WOW ,, amovie has not moved me to tears since POWDER,, what a gem

Ernest Morua

I swear before he answered Mona from who's the boss,I thought of Alyssa Milano LoL who played Sam on the same show

Lord Phantom

for a Lil girl who holds a pencil wrong she's has better hand writing compared to most adults

Corrine Romero

that grandma didn't deserve her she was a child she needed to b treated like one

Hermelindo Ba choc

saboor salarzai

Hahahahaha hahahaha

Vannisa Sigmon

this movie made me cry because it's almost the same thing I had to go through but it is a good movie

Jonathan Anderson

A man who is never afraid is ignorant or stupid

Lily Goldsworth

the boy she sat next to is the exact same boy who plays fin from bunk'd! she's so adorable!

David Kovach

wow, I'm a big old tough guy. This movie was very moving and then happy.loved it

Noemi Viveros

Am not criyng my eyes are just sweating