Girl in the Box - 2016
A hitchhiking woman is abducted by a young couple and held captive for seven years, during which time she's tortured and forced to live as a slave to her captors.
Michae Polizzotto
men are so sick and disgusting, I sear. if we were allowed to pay for time to do what we wanted with these sickos In prison. They wouldn't do stuff like this! They would be like they're doing wat to people in jail, but only rapists and murderers!!!!!
Princess Johnson
on May 19th 1977 20 year old Colleen Stan was hitchhiking t o her best friend's house and Northern California when she was kidnapped by Cameron and Janice hooker she was kidnapped for 7 years under the hookers bed for 7 years and Cameron and Janice had a baby girl6
I watched the story on like American Justice and dateline and I have to say that to have actors portray everything that this young lady went through is a lot more not meaningful but intense and I feel for her so much I am just glad that she made it out alive
Tessa Adams
never could I watch a man do this to another woman! I woul kill his ass. she just as sorry a person.
the ending to this movie is different than what I remember the date line or American Justice ending was. no I'm going to have to look it up and see which one is true
this is based on a true story it really happened to colleen Stan
Sherry Berry
he's got a daughter WTWHAT, doesn't he realize the women he did that stuff to was someone else daughter.
bret kirk
for someone to get jealous over someone you kidnap is pretty fucked up
Victor Araujo
That is not any man I've ever meet. Choose your words. B@$#&
Victor Araujo
More over, there was a Women in the mix too
Princess Johnson
Cameron hooker is a psycho
Noah Milhoan
Zyarra Armstead
girl pls you not ever all that so girl stop
Zyarra Armstead
girl you not ever all that so stop
Shavon Boatright
I love it
good movie
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