Goyo - 2024
A young autistic museum guide lives by a strict routine — until he falls in love with his coworker and must confront a whirlwind of new, intense emotions.

(Lady Wiz) Allisa Wiz Tate

I noticed there's no comments and I also noticed this movie has one like but it's rated a 6.2. so I'm going to watch this movie to see if it's any good and I will give my comments if it is or if it's not any good

(Lady Wiz) Allisa Wiz Tate

I noticed why there's no comments or no likes because this movie is not in English.

Geovannie Rivera

here's a comment (Allisa Tate) hope you enjoy the movie.

(Lady Wiz) Allisa Wiz Tate

please upload the movie in English