Grandma's Boy - 2006
Even though he is 35, Alex acts more like he is 1-3, spending his days as the world's oldest video game tester and his evenings growing the upcoming big x box game. But he has kicked out of his flat and is forced to move in with his grandmother.
Debby Casul
love this movie it will never get old for me
munnin raveneye
one of my all time favorite stoner movies lol
Ramirez JR
hells yea this movie is great im high as fuq i gota go trim my antlers
Michael Guerra
one of my favorites my number 2 is how high 😎
Adrian Lovelace
I have plugged this movie to too many people. Too funny. The freaking monkey bicycle kick the shit out of my man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's such a good movie. i looked up into the tree, and there's the fucking king of the jungle. movie fucking rocked terd nuggets
Richard Duenas
" I'll smoke it with u bro we will go to the Looney bin together" lol
anthony zaragoza
I was a grandmas boy until she passed away few years back😣
Tim Wayne
been on this movie since the early 2000s, one of the classics
Thomas James
hilarious fun I agree with casual.never gets old
nice karma guyblow. deeleedeeeleeedoooooo
Love this Movie
Armado Merlos
good stuff 😤
Richard Hernandez
"how can he see me"
Adam Barry
17 year old idiots love this BS.
Reginald Redman
great movie 2 thumbs up.
robert marcum
they need too do part 2
Tyrell Woods
love this movie
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