Greedy People - 2024
The eclectic residents of a small, picturesque island town must navigate a sensational murder and the discovery of a million dollars, leading to a series of increasingly bad decisions which upend the once-peaceful community.

Alyssa Esbensen

I love an unpredictable movie and this has so many twists and turns. Every moment you think you finally see where it's going .. you don't and it keeps you glued to it the whole time. It's funny and intense at the same time too. Must watch for sure!

David vidal

really good film if you liked SUPER TROOPERS you're gonna REALLY LIKE THIS ONE FOR REALS.......!!!!!

Anthony Pena

great low budget movie with great plot twists meant to be comedic but actually a really good thriller i wasnt expecting after the first 15 minutes!! good movie

Jermaine Long

good for her. the wife ruined everything. . moral of the story fellas don't tell your wife shit.

David vidal

😭😭😭😭😭β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️ sad ending πŸ˜­πŸ˜”πŸ˜­πŸ˜”. very sad like. some of you might cry..... I almost did πŸ₯²πŸ₯²πŸ˜…πŸ˜…


You know the most dangerous place in the house is not the kitchen


I love how it shows the truth of the true nature of a woman and how it'll get their men killed..

Adam Mathew's a great movie no way you're gonna predict how it ends

Carl Erdvig

truly one of the best movies I've seen this year without a doubt loved it.

Mark a Saye

spoiler watch this good movie 1st. So they get the $$$$ no she gets it oh no he gets it wait will she get it oh no so wait. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE $$$$$??? it would be a nice college fund or even trust fund for Jr.

Steven Powell

the moment I seen how emotional his wife was. I knew she was going to get him killed. You can't let your emotions get the best of you in those situations. he should've never told his wife a thing.


after watching this all I can honestly say is wow

Anthony Pena

and also a very unexpected poetic irony of an ending

Bekki Wampler

Wow...not very funny BUT I did love she got the baby in the end but the mom not seeing the baby was crying to me as a mom. All in all a good flick

Tara White (Nurse Terra)

You know how you can always tell when a movie is going to be good...this is one. Well, it better be or I'm changing it.

karlene Hughes-Isham

This one keeps you going right until the last minute. Soooo many things happening you cannot predict the ending.


everybody tried for the money, everybody does and nobody got shit nice movie. did not think it would be shit at first

Ed Bailey

Good movie from start to finished!.πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ

Earl Jones

Beautifully done film great watch lots of twists and solid plot wonderful ending!!!


Good movie once you see what was going on it didn't take a cheesy turn which I appreciate good movie