Green Book - 2018
Tony Lip, a bouncer in 1962, has been hired to induce pianist Don Shirley on a tour throughout the Deep South at the days when African Americanswere driven to find alternate accommodations and services thanks to segregation legislation below the mason dixon Line, relied on a guide called The Negro Motorist Green Book.

Catherine Zuchowski

Knew about the prejudices that African Americans faced then and Now but Never knew about this true story ..Great Performances by all and Wonderful Friendship that came about & lasted Forever....


I grew up in NY all my friend's growing up were other Italian kids, Jewish kids and black kids, we new what racism was but it was more of a busting balls kinda thing until i moved to south carolina in my late 20s, its sick some of the things i observed living in the south

Deavante Dozier

I more then liked this move it was heart warming. i dont like that he liked men. but aside. i loved this movie. shows that even a hart nose price can see what we have to go threw every day even now. he saw the man not the nigga.


Don't understand why we don't treat each other the same. We all created by God. Same body parts inside each for female and man just a different colored skin and voice. Now I understand why some treat others the way they do. A few ruin it for the rest.

Jonathan B Cantrell

first time I ever watched it and I love this movie. there's so much to take away from a good movie like this. one love

Femi NJ

I love Tony's street orientation, he blacker than the Dr in mind and guts.....Great Movie! Great Acting

Elayne Brant

That's when families stuck together no matter what. And truly loved being together. My family was that way when my grandparents were alive. Now my sister is too busy smoking meth and my brother is too busy looking down on others. But I still love and miss them.

Juan Becerra

this was a very beautiful movie! loved it so much Because it had great moments comedy, love,sadness & mostly a view of 2 different worlds and points of. iew and what they went through. but it also had really great musicians. I recommend watching.....!

Elayne Brant

I only know one color and it's called red the color we all bleed and the color of love. I too grew up in the south and even in the 60s as a white kid my best friends were of color. My dance partner was of color but, to me they were my family. I always hated their treatment.

Bekki Dorman

I love the way that Dr. Shirley tried to show Tony to react to the injustice with dignity and SELF respect as well. I know the knee jerk reaction IS anger but those black Americans that HAVE died for the civil rights movement would be the FIRST to admonish all the violence

Rodney Armstrong

many people are saying today it's the prejudice against the white people. prejudice can be against any race. just remember how can you be forgiven and you can't forgive. don't hate me because I'm white and I won't hate you because you are black. love one another.

Bekki Dorman

I noticed he mentioned "Bobby & his brother..." referencing the Kennedys. But, then later telling his bandmates talking to Tony, said "6 years ago, in 1956..." meaning THIS was set Dec of 62....BUT JFK was shot in Nov. of ,1962. Anyone else catch that?

Bekki Dorman

I love these movies that show pics of the REAL subjects of the movie. Viggo played an outstanding "Daygo" (,Kidding all u Italians don't come at me lol) And the actor playing Doc Shirley was SPOT in as well.

James Enos

I'm a white guy I love to date an Italian woman or a Spanish woman but they're all inbred they keep it in the f****** family

Bekki Dorman

I've been born and raised in the south. I've studied in college the history concerning everything from the true start to slavery to the trials of even today and the injustices that sadly STILL have to be called out. I have never owned slaves, nor did my ancestors, IT WAS HORRIBLE

Brian McCloskey

the very first offering of road mangar higher pay $1'500 every week of responsibilities for articess from the record company contract rite right

William Castillo

Grew up in the Bronx, NYC.. All my Friends, co workers, fellow students were Japanese, Italian, Jewish, Russian, Cuban , African-American we were all Friends.. We loved our Neighborhood. our Neighborhood loved us.. Puertorico Forever. [013


yes I love racial justice but I hate in all my heart gay rights it's disgusting it's unnecessary and outrageous nauseating but they shouldn't kill you over your skin color they should kill you over your sexuality I love when people end gay people life no for real I wasn't joking.


I seen just a clip of this movie this afternoon & knew it was the therapy I needed. I thought it was funny, historical & the GF I watched it with did cry just a lil bit. So there were a couple of tears, but I lied about having a GF, sorry.

Pat Watson

i grew up 70's and 80's Florida, Rural little town Ocala,I still have a picture taken in 1987 of a sign that says no black's after sundown this side of town, I've never had a issue with skin color it's the persons lifestyle that makes them,