Grown Ups - 2010
After their high school basketball coach goes away, former teammates and five friends get back for a Fourth of July holiday weekend.

Manuel Gonzales

I have a way to get rid of the ads


Rest in peace Cameron Boyce.

Devonte Britton

This "Grown-up" movie 🎦 easily got 9 stars ✨ out of 10 because of natural flow, originality, and it's constant comedic moments.

Rik Reichert

such a great feel-good movie! soundtrack is awesome too

Noah Rinauro

this is my favorite movie

Ghost Dog

can anyone tell me y we yet to see a Eddie Murphy and Adam Sandler film

Vex kroenen

w this is an amazing app that I ever download. You can watch things for free hopefully, in the future, it doesn't disappear. 😭

Dulce Bonilla_Felix

is in it bad if you drink beer when pregnant


me and my cousin love both grown ups movies. we laugh out loud to these funny and awesome movies.

Kimberly Dawson

very poor quality tubi is free to and I get excellent quality

Myriesha Tika

This movie was awesome 👌 👏 and hilariously funny 😄 😆

Beth Anglin

I love this movie so so much

Zatashia Fleming

What can I say? This movie is good and funny! Lol 😅😆😄😁

James Earl

this is my favorite movie too

Jay Dionte

nah Mommy can i have some of her milk bro got that milf and looked at them

Victor Martinez


Gladys Leyva


Victor Mcghee

it is bussin


do you guys like the first or second more let me know